Saturday, January 28, 2012


So I've noticed an upsurge in a new genre of music lately, and its called Chillstep. The first song I posted here by Gramatik is a great example and I'm very excited to see where the genre goes in the future. Electronic seems to be expanding, and is not just the pulse-bounding, headache-inducing type most associated with the genre; it is becoming more and more complex.

Gramatik, a producer from Slovenia, is not the typical producer. He has dipped into a huge range of music and while I have mixed feelings about his work as a whole, I can't seem to get enough of Muy Tranquilo. An awesome example of Chillstep, and I hope electronic moves in this direction.
Muy Tranquilo - Gramatik

Who can turn down a B.I.G. remix? Yes, many try to fit in his lyrics where they just don't fit. But this one just plain works. Summery tone, exactly what is needed in this depth of winter. Caribbean vibes, and when the steel drums come in...I'm sold.
Going Back to Cali - Notorious B.I.G (Viceroy Jet Life)

I've really been atrracted to some of Teen Daze's work recently. He has absolutely pushed the limits, and that creativity is so refreshing in a music scene that mostly consists of everyone using the same few pop songs to make a mashup. Teen Daze uses obscure work, brings out its strengths, and creates memorable song after memorable song. Get lost in Colours.
Colours - Young Liars (Teen Daze Remix)

Don't play this song with your grandparents present. Funny lyrics and a killer beat creates a song you can rage to. I can see this being featured in many future mashups, you heard it here first.
F U Betta - Neon Hitch (Chuckie Club Remix)

That's all I've got for now. Remember to check back at our older posts for even more great music. And please throw us a like on our facebook page so we can show it off to all our friends.

As Always,


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